- Date : August 2021
We are immensely proud and humble to announce that we have won the Innovation & Excellence Awards 2021 for Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) Company of the Year!!!
Congratulations PreConVision Limited Studio and all the team involved for £310,000,000 in contract Bid Work Wins for our Clients based in the UK and for continually increasing our track record this year, which now total in 36 number Projects Won for our Clients. In 2021 we also took our business Global with our first international major Client.
Thank you to the key people that have supported our journey in achieving this award;
Rob Bowles – A great business coach and mentor.
Wayne Lewis – for his continued support and believing in us.
David Hall for taking our business to a higher level.
Lawrence Matthews for his wisdom.
Sophie Shrubsole and Lenna Lou for just being amazingly supportive and of course Glen Addis and the whole East London Business Place (ELBP) team.
You can read more about the Innovation & Excellence prestige book here: Password: IEA213006